Tag Archives: svalbard

Svalbard polar bear research: Day 2

Jon Aars is a researcher with the Norwegian Polar Institute, Norway’s main institution for research, environmental monitoring and mapping of the polar regions. With the support of WWF, Aars studies polar bear populations on the Norwegian island of Svalbard. Read all of  his field notes from a Spring 2013 research expedition, and follow the bears on our Polar Bear Tracker.

The two sons of a female we captured today, back in 2007, in the same area. One of the two cubs of the pictures was killed in self defence when it tried to get into a cabin with two persons a few days ago.  Svalbard, Norway, April 2013 © Jon Aars / NPI

The two sons of a female we captured today, back in 2007, in the same area. One of the two cubs of the pictures was killed in self defence when it tried to get into a cabin with two persons a few days ago. Svalbard, Norway, April 2013 © Jon Aars / NPI

Yesterday we entered the Norwegian coast guard ship KV Svalbard, our home for the next couple of weeks. It is a great ship, and with a highly service-minded crew. Besides patrolling the areas around Svalbard to check that fishing boats follow the rules, they frequently help teams doing research in the area.
We planned to sail north, until we checked the weather forecast – snow and wind in that part of the archipelago. So we sailed south during the night, and surveyed Hornsund, the most southern fjord on the Spitsbergen west coast, today.
In the inner part, in front of the glaciers, we encountered tracks from two different adult females, with one and two small cubs respectively. However, we did not find the bears. But after some more searching, we found a single adult female, a twelve year old that was marked in Hornsund as a cub in 2001. We captured her in 2007 with two sons, her first litter. One of them was killed in self defense in a cabin a bit further west some days ago, when he tried to get into a cabin with two people. The female got a collar, and we located an adult male in the same area after a few minutes of flying. He was a large animal in his prime age, about 10 years old.

Svalbard polar bear research: Day 1

© Jon Aars / NPI

The foot of a polar bear, note the short and very sharp claws. Svalbard, Norway, April 2013

Jon Aars is a researcher with the Norwegian Polar Institute, Norway’s main institution for research, environmental monitoring and mapping of the polar regions. With the support of WWF, Aars studies polar bear populations on the Norwegian island of Svalbard. Read all of  his field notes from a Spring 2013 research expedition, and follow the bears on our Polar Bear Tracker.
6th April – We were out for a short trip yesterday in Isfjorden, the fjord where Longyearbyen, the main settlement in Svalbard, is located. We did not encounter any bears, but it is always good to get started, to see that the helicopter is working and get all necessary gear on board. So today, we went out on a longer trip, and we flew south, to Van Mijenfjorden and Van Keulenfjorden. These two fjords on the west coast of Spitsbergen, the largest island of Svalbard, end in glaciers that stretch over to the east coast. Bears may cross over to the east frequently, where the water is colder and more bears are found. However, there are usually some bears also on the western side of the island, and particularly in spring.
The first part of the day, we did not encounter any bears, although we found some tracks. We spotted a ringed seal pup on the ice, far from the lair or from the closest breathing hole. It does happen they get too far away from the closest safe exit into the water, and the odds are then high they will be found by foxes, gulls or polar bears before they can escape.
After a couple of hours flying without encountering any bears, we finally found some fresh tracks in the outer part of Van Keulenfjorden. Here we found two adult females, only a few hundred meters apart, both on the sea ice on search for seals.
One was a seven year old female that had been earlier marked in the same area, originally in April 2008 as a two year old when still together with her mother. The other female was old, likely between 15 and 20 years of age, and not marked before. Accordingly, she got lip tattoos and ear marks so we will be able to recognize her if we capture her again another year. Finally, on a glacier, we found another old female, together with a one year old daughter. All the three adults were equipped with iridium telephone collars so we can follow their movements.

Tom Arnbom, Northeast Passage day 10: Richness and diversity

This summer, WWF is helping support two expeditions that will take on some of the world’s most difficult waters, to see first-hand the effects of Arctic climate change. One expedition is sailing across the top of Russia, a journey of 6000 nautical miles through the Northeast Passage, while another is attempting a west to east transit of the Northwest Passage, also by sailing boat, a journey of about 7,000 nautical miles.
Tom Arnbom of Sweden was on the ‘Explorer of Sweden’ though the Northeast Passage, as was WWF Arctic Programme Director Neil Hamilton for much of the trip, replaced near the end by WWF polar bear coordinator Geoff York. On the ‘Silent Sound’ Cameron Dueck of the Open Passage Expedition is filing regular stories from the Northwest passage. Come back for photos and stories throughout the summer, and follow the progress of the boats as they follow in the wake of some of history’s most intrepid explorers.
By Tom Arnbom
Day 10
Late night, Alkehornet, Spitsbergen, Svalbard. The bright green grass below the classic ”bird cliff” is a byproduct of fish and small crustaceans! There is a continuous commuting from the rich sea to the breeding sites, when parents bring food to the newborn chicks. The droppings are full of nutrients which fall down from the cliffs to the ground 100 metres below – that is why it is so green and full of flowers beside huge colonies of kittiwakes and little auks. Here on Svalbard, you also often find an arctic fox family living off eggs, chicks and injured birds close to bird colonies. At Alkehornet too, reindeer can be found in large numbers. The driving force is the rich sea.

Reindeer grazing at Alkehornet on Spitsbergen, Svalbard.

Reindeer grazing at Alkehornet on Spitsbergen, Svalbard. Photo by Tom Arnbom

Several of the richest fishing waters in the world can be found in the Arctic. In America, Alaskan pollock is one of the largest American fisheries species and in Europe the Barents Sea is the source for an enormous amount of fish. It is very important to manage these populations well and not overfish them, like many other fisheries around the world which have totally collapsed.
However, another threat is the climate change which will increase the sea water temperature in the Arctic – which will then cause fish populations to move further north to colder water. In Alaska, if the pollock population moves north into Russian territory, America might lose a very valuable fishery. A similar problem could occur if the cod in the Barents Sea moves into Russian waters. There is a lot of money involved and political conflicts may arise from this.
In Alaska, the fishermen have decided not to fish in the areas which are now opening up in the Arctic as the summer sea ice melts away. The fishermen first want to know what fishing quotas are sustainable to fish, before a commercial fishery opens. Otherwise, the normal practice would be to start fishing as soon as possible – before any restictions are in place.

Tom Arnbom, Northeast Passage day 5 & 6: Close encounters of the bear kind

A polar bear in the distance - but it was soon to come a lot closer! Photo by Tom Arnbom

A polar bear in the distance - but it was soon to come a lot closer! Photo by Tom Arnbom

Tom Arnbom of WWF Sweden is spending some time with the team on the Northeast Passage expedition. He will be blogging regularly for the Arctic Programme’s Sending the Signal blog while he is there. Here is his update from the fifth and sixth day of the expedition.
Watch a video on the website of Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet of Tom and the Explorer team’s close encounter with the bear
After another beautiful night with the midnight sun, I get a few hours sleep before it is time for breakfast. BUT what a breakfast! While having muesli I see two different polar bears – that is luxury above all means. One of them, is like frozen to the ground, not moving a single bit, just beside a breathing hole for a seal. The white bear is hunting ringed seals. I see the seal coming up in an alternative breathing hole 15 metres from the large predator. But the polar does not move. After 15 minutes, the bear gives up and linger off. Not bad for breakfast time.
Hannibal goes in for an icy plunge. Photo by Tom Arnbom

Hannibal goes in for an icy plunge. Photo by Tom Arnbom

It is getting colder, and the long johns are on all the time. A cold northerly cuts through all our clothing. We are heading south to get away from the bad weather which is forecasted. Hannibal does not care about the chill, and makes a dive north of the 80th latitude.
Close to Hinlopen, we force the bow into the sea ice and stay put. At a small distance away, a polar bear is lying on its back with all four paws in the air and scratching its back. It seems not to care less about us.
Suddenly, the bear changes its behaviour. It stands up, sniffs and looks at the boat Explorer of Sweden. Slowly it walks in a zig-zag track towards us. It comes closer and closer – a hundred metres turns into fifty metres, twenty metres. We are all on alert and barely breathing – only whispers. Both Ola and Per-Magnus bring out their weapons and other protective gear – such as sound blasters, both are ready just in case …
The polar bear gets more and more curious and it makes its way all the way to our sailing vessel. It is a bit nervy and the adrenalin is flowing. When it puts the paws on the bow it was close to the limit where we felt safe – the polar bear is incredibly fast and strong so you need margins!
The bear went away from the boat but came back again, this time with higher speed. Ola honked the boat horn – the sound blast is very loud – but the bear barely flinched. So Per-Magnus threw a sound blaster in font of the bear – the high bang surprised the bear – which stops within a metre.
The bear comes close to the boat. Photo by Tom Arnbom

The bear comes close to the boat. Photo by Tom Arnbom

In less than a second the bear runs off away from these ”unfriendly” humans who do not want to get a close contact. The bear stopped after a hundred metres and turned around, gave us a long look and then slowly wandered off to the glacier at the horizon. An encounter to remember – both for us and the bear.
The bear sniffs the air and comes even closer! Photo by Tom Arnbom

The bear sniffs the air and comes even closer! Photo by Tom Arnbom

The wind picked up, blowing half storm and the seawater temperature is now below zero degrees. Freezing.
After the close encounter with the polar bear we steam south. The wind is now really strong, storm and the water temperature is now the unbelievable minus 1.4 degrees. Not my cup of tea for a swim. It is very very cold and we do not go outside voluntarily.
We sail by an endless glacier front. The colour is ice blue. I just read that during the last five years the Arctic sea ice has lost around 15 cm per year in thickness, that is unbelievably fast. It is going much quicker than anybody has foreseen. This means that the annual ice is dominating the Arctic, and the sea ice can therefore melt off very quickly if the ”right” conditions come. When the white sea ice melts away the sea is opening up and the dark blue water will be warmed up by the sun. The sea will in its turn melt off more sea ice, a process which might not be halted. But we can halt the climate changes if we want.
A first step is a very good climate agreement in Copenhagen in December this year.
Viewing the 'endless glacier' from the boat. Photo by Tom Arnbom

Viewing the 'endless glacier' from the boat. Photo by Tom Arnbom

Tom Arnbom, Northeast passage day 2, 3 & 4: Sighting polar bears and walrus

The midnight sun on Svalbard

The midnight sun on Svalbard

This summer, WWF is helping support two expeditions that will take on some of the world’s most difficult waters, to see first-hand the effects of Arctic climate change. One expedition is sailing across the top of Russia, a journey of 6000 nautical miles through the Northeast Passage, while another is attempting a west to east transit of the Northwest Passage, also by sailing boat, a journey of about 7,000 nautical miles.
Tom Arnbom of Sweden was on the ‘Explorer of Sweden’ though the Northeast Passage, as was WWF Arctic Programme Director Neil Hamilton for much of the trip, replaced near the end by WWF polar bear coordinator Geoff York. On the ‘Silent Sound’ Cameron Dueck of the Open Passage Expedition is filing regular stories from the Northwest passage. Come back for photos and stories throughout the summer, and follow the progress of the boats as they follow in the wake of some of history’s most intrepid explorers.
I am sharing the dogwatch with Anders, the captain of Explorer of Sweden. The dogwatch is between midnight and four in the morning. We head northward along the west coast of Svalbard, and because we are north of the polar circle the midnight sun is shining. We are now getting closer to where we might see polar bears.
Suddenly, at distance we observe a small polar bear on the beach – it looks like it is gnawing on something. It does not take long before the next bear turns up – it is stretched out on a large ice floe.
The weather is fantastic so we survey one more bay – and a third large polar bear turns up, swimming. Incredible: in only a few hours – three polar bears, the largest landliving predator, have been in sight. We keep at distance so as not to disturb it. Outside on some ice flows I see both ringed seals and a bearded seal.
The Arctic is fantastic – but is it a vanishing world I am observing? In a generation, the Arctic might look totally different. New species will arrive and some might even be gone. The driving force is climate change.
At Ny-Ålesund I meet Geir Wing Gabrielsen, a scientist from Norway.
Norwegian scientist Geir Wing Gabrielsen. Photo by Tom Arnbom.

Norwegian scientist Geir Wing Gabrielsen. Photo by Tom Arnbom.

He tells us that in addition to the climate change directly affecting the escalating melting of sea ice, pollutants are having a larger effect on animals as a result climate change. The reason is that many of the top predators have a large storage of body fat, and in non-degradable pollutants are stored in the fat.
When the animals have difficulty find their preferred food, such as polar bears and ivory gulls, the pollutants find their way out in the organs, when the stored fat is all used up. The scientists in Ny-Ålesund have seen changes in some species already due to this heavier pollutant burden.
In addition to climate change, more pollutants are expected to come with currents, both in the air and in the water.
Walrus galore. Today we have been lucky to see some walrus ashore but also on a small ice floe. The Atlantic walrus was heavily hunted for several hundred years before it was protected. Today, they are slowly coming back in numbers, especially in Svalbard.
Walrus on the ice on Svalbard. Photo by Tom Arnbom

Walrus on the ice on Svalbard. Photo by Tom Arnbom

Another walrus rests on the icy shore. Photo by Tom Arnbom

Another walrus rests on the icy shore. Photo by Tom Arnbom

In eastern Russia and in Alaska, the Pacific walrus population is having problems. The main one is that the arctic sea water is warmer than before, which causes the summer sea ice to melt. Walruses usually rest on the sea ice between feeding dives, but when the sea ice is gone, walruses come ashore in large colonies to rest. The haul-outs can be far away from the feeding areas, and when many animals come together – there is a risk that they might stamp each other to death. This has happened during the last few years, and several thousand walruses have died.
The magnificent spectacle of the Svalbard coastline. Photo by Tom Arnbom

The magnificent spectacle of the Svalbard coastline. Photo by Tom Arnbom

Tom Arnbom, Northeast Passage day 1: Leaving Longyearbyen

This summer, WWF is helping support two expeditions that will take on some of the world’s most difficult waters, to see first-hand the effects of Arctic climate change. One expedition is sailing across the top of Russia, a journey of 6000 nautical miles through the Northeast Passage, while another is attempting a west to east transit of the Northwest Passage, also by sailing boat, a journey of about 7,000 nautical miles.
Tom Arnbom of Sweden was on the ‘Explorer of Sweden’ though the Northeast Passage, as was WWF Arctic Programme Director Neil Hamilton for much of the trip, replaced near the end by WWF polar bear coordinator Geoff York. On the ‘Silent Sound’ Cameron Dueck of the Open Passage Expedition is filing regular stories from the Northwest passage. Come back for photos and stories throughout the summer, and follow the progress of the boats as they follow in the wake of some of history’s most intrepid explorers.
By Tom Arnbom

The sailing vessel The Explorer

The sailing vessel The Explorer

It is a beautiful day and along the cliff edge east of Longyearbyen there are several swarms of dovkies (little auk). They look like black smoke flying back and forth in the sky. I am onboard the sailing vessel Explorer which will bring the expedition members to the Pacific through the Northeast Passage. We are about to head north to Ny-Ålesund and visit scientists to know the latest about climate changes. Yesterday, I met a scientist on Polarstern (a large german research vessel) and he told me that they have discovered large areas of bubbles with methane west of Svalbard. It is to early to say if it has been going on for a long time or is a new “thing”. They will head out to research the areas to find out more.
Methane is a very active green house gas and more and more evidence show that this gas is leaking out in many places in the Arctic. I will come back on this.
Hopefully we will encounter walruses to night – but more on this in the next blog.

Visiting the Svalbard seed bank

The amazing scenery on Svalbard, Norway

The amazing scenery on Svalbard, Norway

The director of the WWF International Arctic Programme, Dr Neil Hamilton, is visiting Svalbard with a group of WWF colleagues to discuss WWF operations in the Arctic, and the critical importance of securing a major shift in political action over the coming year if the worst impacts of climate change are to be avoided. He will be blogging from the trip, taking photos and maybe some video too – please come back for more updates as his journey continues!

By Dr Neil Hamilton

Another bright and beautiful day, with sun from 4am ensuring that any hope of sleeping in was just a dream. It is a great time of year to be on Svalbard, not too cold (minus 10 to minus 20, and 20 hours of sun). Breakfast for 8, and planning the next few days.  Christian de Marliave (of Tara fame) and Francois Bertrand, two highly experienced polar explorers briefed the crew before we headed out for a relaxing morning around Longyearbyen, including visiting the new airship museum, buying last minute supplies, and climbing a small mountain to test our snow isotope sampler.

Our late arrivals from Switzerland landed early and we joined up for lunch.  This is the first time the group has been together since the planning meeting a month ago, and is the beginning of a really exciting trip to a place none of us have been since the 1990s.  So what did we eat for lunch? Pizza and pasta, those well known Norwegian delicacies.

Members of the group on Svalbard

Members of the group on Svalbard

We were fortunate today to be able to visit a globally unique facility, the Global Crop Diversity Trust “ Svalbard Seed Bank”, often called “the doomsday vault” by the media.  This is an amazing facility for storing the genetic diversity of the worlds food crops, in seed form.  Julian Laird from the Trust explained that this place already houses over 400 thousand samples from all over the world, keeping them safe for the future.

Back to the hotel, where I briefed the team on WWF operations in the Arctic, and we discussed the critical importance of securing a major shift in political action over the coming year if we are to avoid the worst impacts of climate change.   In spite of our varied backgrounds, nationalities, and professions it is obvious that everyone thinks along exactly the same lines: we are in a unique situation, a crisis, and the need to act is urgent.