Tag Archives: polar bears

Making connections on the tundra

The WWF Arctic Global Polar Bear specialist, Geoff York, is on a field trip in Churchill on the Hudson Bay, observing and blogging about polar bears. Below is the second blog from our ‘eyes and ears on the tundra’ – here is his first blog.

By Geoff York
My first week in the town of Churchill is focused around meetings with partners and scientists, so this is very much a working trip for me. Many of you may ask, why Churchill? WWF has long supported polar bear research efforts in the Hudson Bay region going back to the early 1970’s. We continue that direct support today, helping to maintain one of the best long term research and monitoring efforts on polar bears anywhere in the world. You can see tangible results of the current support via our online Polar Bear Tracker. This long term research has provided some of the clearest links between changes in polar bear population dynamics directly tied to changes in climate and sea ice.

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‘Avoid changes that are unmanageable, and manage changes that are unavoidable’

The WWF Arctic Global Polar Bear specialist, Geoff York, is on a field trip in Churchill on the Hudson Bay, observing and blogging about polar bears. Here is the first blog from our ‘eyes and ears on the tundra’.

A virtually ice-free Hudson Bay. (c) WWF / Geoff York

A virtually ice-free Hudson Bay. (c) WWF / Geoff York

By Geoff York
It’s November 10th in Churchill, Manitoba, and something is not quite right. The air temperature is well above freezing on our arrival and there are only small remnants of a past snow across the mostly bare and brown tundra. There is no ice on Hudson Bay and little sign of any forming far to the north in Foxe Basin. This is disturbing to us, and even more disturbing to the local polar bears. Continue reading

Tundra tune – ‘You who are on the globe must have a code’

By Paulette Roberge
We were going to be different, jazz things up. Our group of five communicators who met two days prior was tasked with leading a discussion on climate change impacts at this month’s inaugural communicators’ camp, hosted by Polar Bears International in Churchill, Manitoba.
Our performance could have benefited from props, musical accompaniment and more rehearsal time but, here, I present you the Climate Change Impacts song, a hasty, back-of-the-envelope adaptation of Crosby Stills Nash & Young’s “Teach Your Children.”
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Communicator leadership camp in the North: Day Two

By Paulette Roberge
Read more blog posts from Paulette’s trip with Polar Bears International (PBI).
A large adult polar bear casually circles the Tundra Buggy Lodge, evidently drawn by the scent of human dinner being prepared. The lodge is being buffeted by 60-km winds whipping off Hudson Bay. Nearby an Arctic fox is scavenging on the tundra, opportunistically monitoring the humans in the box on wheels, while keeping a respectful distance from the bear.

Tundra buggy. (c) Paulette Roberge/WWF-Canada

Tundra buggy. (c) Paulette Roberge/WWF-Canada

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Goodbye to a unique place

By Geoff York
We are all happy to see fair weather in the morning. It is not unusual in coastal areas of Alaska to be stuck for days with fog, wind, and weather.  We had heard reports of a brown bear and a cub along the road, but fail to see it on our way to the airstrip. Plenty of caribou and ptarmigan glance our way as we make our drive and there are patches of snow dotting the still brown tundra. Winter has not fully let go of this northern place.
I am truly fortunate to visit such places and have the opportunity to not only see, but enter the icy habitat of the polar bear and handle wild bears on the ground. Few people will ever visit the Arctic let alone see a wild polar bear, but they remain one of the best known and loved species in the world. I hope the work being done by research groups and Indigenous people like this across the Arctic will help us conserve this amazing species long into the future. I also hope the interest people have in polar bears will lead them to take actions, both personal, and through regional and national policies, that will protect their unique home, the Arctic.
WWF International Arctic Programme polar bear specialist, Geoff York, travelled to the Chukchi Sea area with the US Fisheries and Wildlife Service, conducting research into the status of polar bear populations in the area, and blogged for the WWF Climate blog while he was there.

Late night lab duties

By Geoff York
Our last day for flight operations and we are all up early. Well, everyone but Jessica, our dedicated lab whiz, who was up until 3 AM working on the samples from the six bears we brought her late last night.

Jessica Carrie, a WWF Intern packaging samples and running blood chemistries.

Jessica Carrie, a WWF Intern packaging samples and running blood chemistries.

Some samples are more aromatic than others.

Some samples are more aromatic than others.

The lab work is yet another important and time consuming task. All of the samples taken in the field are placed in containers for longer-term storage and most are transferred into smaller sub samples (blood, serum). Whole blood is spun down in a centrifuge to separate serum. The remaining blood clot is kept for fatty acid analysis that will help tell what polar bears have been eating. The FWS also carries a mobile blood chemistry analyser that allows us to get basic information on each bear while in the field. Teeth are placed in formalin to fix them for later analysis. Samples are frozen each night and shipped frozen back to Anchorage.
The lab duties also include repacking our field collection supplies each night as well as maintaining adequate drug inventory. The drug most commonly used by bear researchers around the world is called Telezol and blends a sedative with a paralytic agent. Telezol comes freeze-dried and has to be mixed into solution as needed and in the correct concentration.
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Life on a treadmill

By Geoff York
I stare out into a snowy and partially foggy morning as I work my way through breakfast and my morning coffee. Patchy squalls moving across the tundra and out on the ice – could go either direction today. The change in weather is expected, but we hoped for a couple of more blue sky weather days. The visibility is still fair, and the fixed wing will have no trouble flying, so we’ll push on out and see what we can accomplish today.
The weather improves as fly out to the northwest yet again. The sea ice is also becoming more fragmented by the day and the primary lead along the shore fast ice has continued to widen towards the north. We head back to the area where we last saw a bear on Tuesday, though of course the area is not really the same. As Heraclitus famously said: “You cannot step into the same river twice.” Sea ice in the Chukchi is much like a river, always on the move, always changing. Life for polar bears is life on a treadmill.
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Polar bear harvesting challenges

By Geoff York
As luck would have it, the weather is good, but we are required to take the second mandatory crew rest day for our pilot (two off during any 14 day window). He would much rather be flying, but the rules are very clear. With only two more flight days for the season ahead, we begin to make plans for our return to Anchorage on Saturday. For our pilot Howard and our lab technician Jessica, it has been almost seven straight weeks of fieldwork – and as much as they like the job, they are ready to be home.
The down time also allows Karyn and Jessica to start looking ahead to June when the FWS will host two important meetings under the recently activated US/Russia bilateral polar bear management agreement (Bilateral Agreement). This agreement was a decade in the making, was signed in 2000, ratified by the US in 2007 and implemented in 2009 with a meeting of the Bilateral Commission in Moscow last December. It is a landmark for polar bear conservation as it requires a collaborative, long-term, science-based conservation plan for the shared population.
As I’ve mentioned, this region has seen the most severe losses of summer sea ice compared with the rest of the Arctic, along with temperatures as much as 4C above average. This warming is not only melting sea ice; it is also melting the permafrost in many areas and allowing new species of plants and animals to push further north. Concurrent with these changes in physical habitat and the ecological impacts that are likely to follow, polar bears are still hunted on both sides of the Chukchi.
Russia officially banned all polar bear harvest in 1956, the first country to take such a protective stance. This ban, however, was very difficult to effectively enforce in such a massive and remote region as the Chukotkan coast. While the ban effectively eliminated any sport hunting, poaching (by people from outside the region), and subsistence hunting by native Chukchi people was pushed underground creating a situation of unknown harvest for several decades.
Chukchi, Inuit, and Yupik people still utilise polar bear and other marine mammals for food, spiritual, and cultural purposes. These are hunting cultures that rely on these traditional practices to pass on language, beliefs, values, and fundamental survival skills to future generations. In much of the high Arctic, living off the land and sea is not merely a choice, it is a necessity. The cost of imported western goods is very prohibitive and the comparative nutritional value of processed foods is generally poor. From a human health and ecological footprint stance, sustainably harvested local food is far and above the best choice in the Arctic as it is for the rest of us around the world.
In Alaska, polar bears are legally harvested by coastal dwelling Alaskan natives, predominantly Inuit and Yupik people living from St Lawrence Island in the northern Bering Sea all the way to the Canadian border in the Beaufort Sea. The Beaufort population is shared with Canada and has been effectively co-managed under the Inuit and Inuvialuit Agreement, an arrangement between people on both sides of the border and informed by government scientists and managers that sets voluntary quotas. Harvest in the Alaskan Chukchi, while reported and monitored, currently has no set quota system.
Addressing the information gaps and shared management challenges is exactly what the Bilateral Agreement sets out to accomplish. The agreement also formally recognizes the engagement and requires the input of Indigenous people. The FWS research we are working on this week is the beginning of what will become a bilateral effort that to provide much needed information on the heath and current status of this population.
The two meetings FWS is holding this June, a harvest workshop followed by a meeting of the Bilateral Commission, will focus on the discussion of needed information and quotas. Unlike the Beaufort Sea where we have very good current data on the population size and status, we have spotty and mostly dated information on the Chukchi. We do have sound information on historical harvest in Alaska, but only estimates of potential harvest from Chukotka.
The Commission will essentially be confronted with two main harvest choices: request a temporary moratorium on both sides or allow a legal, but very conservative harvest on both sides. Neither will be easy and both are fraught with political and conservation challenges. A moratorium, already proven ineffective in Russia, would politically be a non-starter in Alaska, would have similar enforcement issues across a remote region, and is opposed by both Alaskan and Chukchi Indigenous groups.
A limited legal harvest, closely monitored, and adaptively managed as new information is available may actually be the best choice at present. This would affirm the rights of Indigenous people on both sides to the sustainable use and management of polar bears, would allow a regulated and reported hunt on the Russian side (to replace the illegal and unreported harvest at present), and would give scientists and local people time to gather new data along both coasts to better inform future management decisions.
Results from the recent Scientific Working Group of the Bilateral Commission and the upcoming harvest workshop will provide the Commissioners with the best possible advice as they consider this delicate situation. I will be sitting in on the meetings and will update you on the outcomes later in June, so stay tuned.
WWF International Arctic Programme polar bear specialist, Geoff York, is currently in the Chukchi Sea area with the US Fisheries and Wildlife Service, conducting research into the status of polar bear populations in the area, and is blogging for the WWF Climate blog while he is there.