Our first icebergs!
The stopover in Blanc Sablon lasts a total of 26 hours: we arrive July 2 at 1am, we encounter some local fishermen the next morning and have the usual conversations at port (weather, planned route, presence of ice or not, etc.). We sometimes have a little trouble understanding the local accent… but soon realize that means our New Zealand, Quebec and French accents finally make us “foreigners” here! A day of call flies quickly. Thank you again to Trish Nash and Rudolph Jones for their help and availability!
We rejoin the sailing world on Tuesday morning at 3 am. This time, we’re headed for Greenland unless the presence of too much fog or ice prevents us from sailing safely at night. It’s still foggy, but when we leave Belle Isle the sun finally appears and we rediscover the horizon at last! The wind is a fine addition and we enjoy a few hours of sailing.
We’re overjoyed: the first icebergs! Massive and so impressive. We’re excited but must be cautious — vigilance will be needed during the shifts now, with the radar on almost constantly.